The Bracelet Story – part 2

That’s the working title – so, we will go with it. If you don’t know the history of my bracelet, feel free to go back and read it. It’s nothing amazing, but, gives a backdrop to my newest ramblings.

It’s been over twobook 2 years since I had it made. In that time, I’ve had it repaired more than I’d like to say, which was always a bone of contention for me. It was a visual reminder of God’s promises, and a tangible reminder to be anxious for nothing. Nothing means nothing. In other words, FEAR NOT. He has my back.  He holds my future, as he holds my past.

For quite some time, the magnet that acted as a back up clasp hasn’t stayed shut.  As a result, I was always fiddling with it. Nevertheless, I continued to wear it, and fuss with it. The birdie charm fell off months ago, and one little birdie even flew the coop.

That’s the backstory – remember, there is ALWAYS a backstory – nothing happens in a bubble.

When we pray, we typically expect to God to work IN the circumstance or situation about which we are praying. Rarely do I pray that he work THROUGH the situation. We have a pretty good idea of what we (okay, I expect) the outcome should look like. We know (or think we know) our own heart, and roll with that. Praying and ‘knowing’ that our (again, MY) preconceived outcome is God’s as well.  You’d think by now I would have learned that’s not quite the case. I’m always learning, hence – step by step with grayce.

To that end, I have been praying about something completely unrelated to my bracelet. I mean, it’s a couple pieces of leather, with a stamped piece of metal, right? Just a piece of jewelry.

I’ve talked about finding a new design, coming up with another way to encase the plate, but to no avail. Nothing seemed to work, nothing made sense. My frustration with it grew, but not enough to remove it.

Then, God. stepped in. I looked down at it one day, and He very gently said, ‘Child, is that really a reminder of My faithfulness, or is it a tether to what you thought you knew, is it a way to hold onto a part of your story that is behind you?’ – what He probably really said was something completely different, because, well, He has to get my attention. I’m getting SO MUCH better at that, ya know.

I thought, well, huh. So,  here I am praying about one thing, and He does something quite a bit different. He is still working IN the situation, of that I am certain, however, He certainly worked THROUGH it as well.

Again, as with my last post  we pray, or – I pray, and expect God to read my list. I anticipate He says, I got ya girl, AND HE DOES – but, oh, so not in the way I expect. He simply has a way of working on my heart.

Again, pray and always keep praying for those ‘things’, but as you do, it is smart to anticipate He will work in you as well.

Until next time – take every day step by step,

Growing in Grace,
Laura Grayce

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